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Start your Aviation Adventure with us at the
Sky King Flight School, LLC!
Here at The Sky King Flight School, LLC, We can get you in the air and teach you the way to get YOUR Private Pilot's license!
What to expect flying with us:
Discovery/Intro flight ($120)
​Meet your flight instructor
Walkaround and Preflight Cessna 172N
Following Checklists and Procedures
Taxi and Takeoff
Demonstration of flight fundamentals by Instructor
Learn to take control of the aircraft and fly!
Flight/Ground Training
Ground Instruction on all levels
​Discovery Flights
Private Pilot Training
Instrument Rating & Recurrency Training
Commercial Training
Multi-engine rating (coming soon)
FAA Requirements to Obtain a Private Pilot Certificate [CFR 61.103]​
Be at least 17 years of age (no minimum age limit to learn!)​
Be able to read, write, and converse fluently in English
Obtain at least a third-class FAA medical certificate
Complete a ground school course
Pass a knowledge test with at least a 70% or better
Have logged a minimum of 40 flight hours in accordance with CFR 61.109
Successfully Complete a practical test(ground & flight) with an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner
Celebrate your rightfully deserved Pilots License!
This could be YOURS!
Don't wait to begin your aviation journey, start today and Learn to Fly here with us at The Sky King Flight School!

Commercial Checkride Passed!
Friendly faces and clear skies!